Untold stories of the LC - 20th July 2016

He was a boy (no before was he a girl?😕.....🤔hmm) Lonely in his ways chasing after a life of unrivaled bants and cursed to a life of being misunderstood by everyone for his bantish ways, relegated to the top of the food chain of all bants never to find his true queen. A great after energy but a soul after bants...

She was an ever dangerous grammar murderer on chat, fooling the world that she didn't know any English, astute at the art of deception and the skills of developing SDGs and fighting for equality, her vendetta against all men growing with each crime against women and her secret plot to take over the word with grammatical bombs and well thought out acting. Her ability to take notes at every instance , growing immense with her desire to prove that what a man can do she can do better...a rasping drive....

They meet on a road to fulfilling mankind's true potential and then in a moment of bliss they lock each other's gaze... The tension in the air...as the realisation hits them... The game is on... has he found his true love and significant other? Will she find the strategy to take his place as the new top of the bant chain?

Truth is... He's currently out of the country in search of more of mankind's best potential, before he left though there's speculation that he and the AIESEC song idealist met somehow to say their romantic goodbyes... They both have passion for the same things essentially, with their pursuit for the fulfillment and actualisation of societal development goals. We hope their families allow them to be together despite their ethnic and religious differences.

You think you know our duo? Comment below and tweet about it!!!


  1. Emmanuel and Haji

  2. Lol! You guys are crazy! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 MAC o! I have died. Especially the person who wrote this. Nice write up. But if I catch you ehn!! Haji can you imagine? Well-done.


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