AIESEC Acronyms
Hey AIESEC!!!!
So today we would be looking at AIESEC Acronyms. It has come to our notice that most of us AIESECers don't know a lot of terms used in the AIESEC world. So we decided to do our research and now we present to you a list of AIESEC Acronyms from no other than iMAC....Thank us later....
AI: AIESEC International (AIESEC Headquarters based in Rotterdam)
AIESEC: Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (This is what AIESEC used to stand for, but given that our members come from many different backgrounds we refer to the organization as AIESEC, plain and simple)
BD: Business Development
CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (An international AIESECer who goes to another LC in order to help them with their operations)
CR: Corporate Relations
EB: Executive Board of the Local Committee (LCP + LCVPs)
EBM: Executive Board Meeting
EP: Exchange Participant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC)
FACI: Facilitator (Usually an AIESEC member who delivers or helps to deliver sessions at conferences)
FIN (or just F): Finance Portfolio
GIS: Global Information System (AIESEC’s new information system to be used across the organization)
GST: Global Support Team (The team of AIESEC superstars that supports AI’s operations)
IC: International Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the entities in the organization)
ICX: Incoming Exchange (The portfolio responsible for raising internships for internationals to come in)
LC: Local Committee
LCM: Local Committee Meeting (also known as a GA)
LCVP (or just VP): Local Committee Vice President (responsible for local operations in a functional area)
LCP: Local Committee President
MC: Member Committee, country or territory member of AIESEC. By extension, people working at a national level in AIESEC
MCVP: Member Committee Vice President (The national leader of a specific functional area)
MCP: Member Committee President (The head of an AIESEC entity in a particular country)
MAC: Marketing & Communications
NC: National Congress (AIESEC Canada’s first national conference of the year where leaders gather together to develop plans for the new year and elect the next president of AIESEC Canada)
NLDC: National Leadership Development Conference (A national conference aimed at developing AIESEC Canada’s young leaders)
NST: National Support Team (A team of AIESECers who support the MC with national operations)
OC: Organizing Committee (Project-based team formed to deliver a particular event/conference etc.)
OCP: Organizing Committee President
OCVP: Organizing Committee Vice President
OGX: Outgoing Exchange (The portfolio responsible for sending students abroad)
OPS: Outgoing Preparation Seminar (A session for EPs, hosted by the Local Committee, to prepare EPs for going abroad)
PAI: President of AIESEC International
TL: Team Leader
TLP: Team Leader Program
TM: Talent Management (The “HR” of AIESEC)
TMP: Team Member Program
TtT: Train the Trainers (A conference for people wanting to develop their own trainers’ skills)
X: Exchange
Y2B: Youth to Business, forum that gather young people and companies around a social issue (youth unemployment, international careers etc
So today we would be looking at AIESEC Acronyms. It has come to our notice that most of us AIESECers don't know a lot of terms used in the AIESEC world. So we decided to do our research and now we present to you a list of AIESEC Acronyms from no other than iMAC....Thank us later....
AI: AIESEC International (AIESEC Headquarters based in Rotterdam)
AIESEC: Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (This is what AIESEC used to stand for, but given that our members come from many different backgrounds we refer to the organization as AIESEC, plain and simple)
BD: Business Development
CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (An international AIESECer who goes to another LC in order to help them with their operations)
CR: Corporate Relations
EB: Executive Board of the Local Committee (LCP + LCVPs)
EBM: Executive Board Meeting
EP: Exchange Participant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC)
FACI: Facilitator (Usually an AIESEC member who delivers or helps to deliver sessions at conferences)
FIN (or just F): Finance Portfolio
GIS: Global Information System (AIESEC’s new information system to be used across the organization)
GST: Global Support Team (The team of AIESEC superstars that supports AI’s operations)
IC: International Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the entities in the organization)
ICX: Incoming Exchange (The portfolio responsible for raising internships for internationals to come in)
LC: Local Committee
LCM: Local Committee Meeting (also known as a GA)
LCVP (or just VP): Local Committee Vice President (responsible for local operations in a functional area)
LCP: Local Committee President
MC: Member Committee, country or territory member of AIESEC. By extension, people working at a national level in AIESEC
MCVP: Member Committee Vice President (The national leader of a specific functional area)
MCP: Member Committee President (The head of an AIESEC entity in a particular country)
MAC: Marketing & Communications
NC: National Congress (AIESEC Canada’s first national conference of the year where leaders gather together to develop plans for the new year and elect the next president of AIESEC Canada)
NLDC: National Leadership Development Conference (A national conference aimed at developing AIESEC Canada’s young leaders)
NST: National Support Team (A team of AIESECers who support the MC with national operations)
OC: Organizing Committee (Project-based team formed to deliver a particular event/conference etc.)
OCP: Organizing Committee President
OCVP: Organizing Committee Vice President
OGX: Outgoing Exchange (The portfolio responsible for sending students abroad)
OPS: Outgoing Preparation Seminar (A session for EPs, hosted by the Local Committee, to prepare EPs for going abroad)
PAI: President of AIESEC International
TL: Team Leader
TLP: Team Leader Program
TM: Talent Management (The “HR” of AIESEC)
TMP: Team Member Program
TtT: Train the Trainers (A conference for people wanting to develop their own trainers’ skills)
X: Exchange
Y2B: Youth to Business, forum that gather young people and companies around a social issue (youth unemployment, international careers etc