Hey AIESEC!!!!           Hey AIESEC!!!!!         How are we feeling?!!!!!       How are we f***ing feeling?

So WE ARE BACK!!!! After several months away (due to holidays and all) we are finally back with the weekly LC Meeting Review!! *DRUMROLLS*……. My oh my a loooot has happened in the LC since the last time: exchange, elections, new EB!, new LCP!!!!! *whoop whoop*, (shoutout to my boy Hassan), GAMECHANGERS ti take over people!!!! And from the initial look of things it’s looking like a positive takeover (notice I didn’t use the word ‘CHANGE’). So guys get involved, be active in the LC as well as your FA. Don’t get left out remember: Your experience is in your hands. Okay okay enough of the hoolabaloo, down to what I was told to do….

Last meeting was a “Legislative Meeting”. A legislative meeting is a meeting where serious matters are being attended to, that is, being voted for, or being voted against. But before all this, the usual introductions were done by everyone present. Well, there were lots of people present. Hassan, our LCP, took charge of the legislative meeting with so much grace. He stated the rules of the legislative meeting, and since some people who weren’t full members were present, as well as those who weren’t corporately dressed, separate motions were raised to let them participate in the voting of the legislative meeting (mainly due to the fact that the LM was impromptu).

After the motions were voted for, Mojola took charge of the rest of the meeting. Finally, the main reason for the legislative meeting was put forward. A motion was raised to change our SA –Staff Adviser. Since this motion was voted for, we look forward to a new SA (drumrolls).
When the LM was over, there was a break out session. Here, we had to go to our various functional areas to meet our new VP’s, and hear what their ideas are for the year. With this, the meeting was brought to a close.

Before we forget, there’s a lovely intern in the house all the way from CHINA! Lets all take time out to try to see her and welcome her. Also guys WECARE is still on as well as the Youths For Global Goals. As we love to say in these parts: Enjoy Participation!!.

Have a lovely week guys and stay awesome!

Yours truly.
Below are some pictures from the LM:

LCP Hassan



LCVP TM IDY(this guy tho)



the future is max looking into the future


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