LC meeting 18th March 2016

Hey AIESEC!!!                    How are we feeling?                     How are we F**cking feeling??
HOW                     ARE                        WE                      MOTH**F**ING                         FEELING

So, we are inching closer to exams… Are we getting our as**s prepared? To be an AIESECER is to strive for excellence in all your endeavours. Being a working member is no excuse to miss your tests or any important academic event in your class. Here in AIESEC is where you learn the arts of multi-tasking, prioritization, and balancing of work and studies. Stand out among your peers in EVERY aspect of a regular student’s life.
Mr. Olaoluwa Alabi standing out. (literarily)

Anyways that’s just me ranting (I mean how much can this 400 level mechanical engineering AIESEC block head know right?) Let’s get down to business. Friday was awesome. Some of us got our very first public-speaking session (Yaay LCP!), secondly, we had one really fresh professional guy come talk to us (I think he’s a millionaire guys!!). Rachael, I like that this is becoming regular. We gain a lot every week, and that is absolutely nice. Thumbs up!! I only wish we the members are truly appreciating the calibre of motivation and inspiration that flows regularly from our distinguished facis. If we did, we would offer to pay Rachael for bringing this guys in (A round of applause people). (But come Rachael, all of them have been guys, I’m starting to wonder how you met them and why they are doing it for free J hmmnn!). Let’s see babes too oh.

See them babes!!

See Deja vu members

Down to my highlights for the day:
  • GUYS!! RACHAEL’S DRESS PLEASE!!! Ahn ahn, it’s too much, kill us softly. Seriously though, the dress was awesome.

  • Now, the public speaking session was informative and educative. I shall not be giving away details as only meeting attendees are privy J but I shall say I learnt one thing I could relate to. ( Rachael said we should “get physical”, hmmnnn! Read all the wrong meaning you can to this). Seriously though, When speaking, it helps to find a familiar and nice face among the crowd to speak to. This helps nervousness and confidence. I now realize why lecturers always talk directly to me. (It’s cos I have a nice face)

  • Now, five of us got to try public speaking on an allocated topic for two minutes. It was cool and very practical.

  • Now Mr. Olaoluwa Alabi got to speak to us and I’m just going to be leaving a few of his quotes and advices. First we had “Entrepreneurship should not be a last option for us-students”. “Opportunity doesn’t take permission from preparedness to appear”. “Develop yourself so much that people run after you because of the value you possess”. He said so much more and inspired us in more ways than I could pass on from this little website. I wish I could carry the feeling his speech left me with that day and just haul it at everybody right now. Trust me we would be having a few Mark Zuckerbergs, some Steve Jobs and the likes from us AIESECers because at the end of his speech, I just felt like I could do it all. (And I will, watch out!!). I’m not going to say more than this, try to tap from what you have in your backyard. It costs absolutely nothing!

That’s all for now. I wish I could say more but I’m too sleepy. Before I forget, let’s give it up for Damilare Adebola (finger snaps!!!). He’s been absolutely phenomenal in the past blog posts (MACaveli take over). He shall be resuming next week. Also, although I give a lot of the credit of the presence in the meetings to Rachael. But TM is responsible for meeting agendas and hence deserve a little credit (a little IDY)

Stay awesome guys!!! Till next week.

Forever your guy!

Mojolaoluwa Keshiro,

Intel Manager 15.16
Marketing and Communications



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